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reduce(30 in 30)

Clearly I picked the wrong thing to try to do 30 times in 30 days. Food is so much easier (and tastier) than software releases.

I once read a short story about a circus performer who made a deal with the devil. In exchange for his immortal soul the performer would become the greatest acrobat in the world. I don’t remember many details, but the gist of the story was that the Devil could give him the ability to withstand a fall from any height. And sure enough, the Devil kept his word. The Devil offered no magic though, only training. The training was simple: To start with, the guy had to roll out of bed and fall onto the floor every morning when he woke up. After he’d done that for a week, the devil had him practice falling off a ladder until he could do that comfortably and without hurting himself. This pattern continued. Eventually the performer worked his way up to being able to fall from 30 feet without hurting himself.

“So what you’re saying is that you made a deal with the Devil and/or you want to be an acrobat?”

Uh… no. (wtf?)

What I’m saying is that I’d like to revisit my 30 in 30 project. Much like our circus performer, I aim to take baby steps. If you’ve been around me long enough you’ll eventually hear me go on and on about kaizen and baby steps. And that is the tool I’m whipping out here.

Excuse me while I whip this out.

I’m going to scale things down to a more manageable size via the time-honored Order of Magnitude reduction. That is to say, instead of 30 releases in 30 days, how about I shoot for 300 releases in 0.3 days?

Wait. Taps calculator.

How about 3 releases in 3 days?

Sounds fairly manageable. Same terms as before. Dirty tricks? Allowed? Hand waving? Totally cool. Victory declaration, regardless of outcome? Obligatory.

So. We’ll see.