Matt's Blog: while { coding }
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This is a short, simple call to play.

Grab pencil and paper. Imagine crazy stuff. Code early, and often. Set aside whatever isn’t fun or exciting or inspiring.

Play with others. Exchange wild, impractical ideas. Make crazy, beautiful representations of things that no one but you will ever see, and wire them up. Make it real.

Make more software for a while, instead of less. You can make less later. When you’re exploring, you’re learning. There is waste. That is okay.

Experience is everything.

You can’t play forever. Even children at play need to come in for dinner. But while the sun is shining and the air is sparkling, play.

At some point you will set your toys aside. But keep them around. Remember them. Be inspired by them.

And when things get dull, or you’re starting something new, or you’re scared, play.